Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi was born Andrea Almasi in Hendersonville in Tennessee in June 6th, 1985. She has been Briefcase Model No.19 in the first episode of the NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal that was telecast in December of 2005. AJ was raised in Hendersonville Tennessee as an awkward "tom boy" sporting glasses and braces. She didn't believe she was capable of doing the things she did, yet she loves doing it. People from her family and circle of friends said that she had a pretty character, and could accomplish anything if it was something she believed in. Almasi quickly changed from shy, unassuming girl to a glamorous glamour-girl after moving to Los Angeles in order to pursue a career as a model and actor. Aj Almasi (born Andrea Almasi) was an actress who is best known for The Deal or the No Deal (2005) as well as Bikini Destinations (2003) and the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (2005). Deal or No Deal (2005, Bikini destination (2003) as well as The Late Late Show (2005) are just a few of her most notable performances. She was part of Briefcase AJ is focusing her efforts on advancing in the movie and modeling industry in L.A.

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